SMART Social Marketing strategies to promote sustainable development in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Vice dean faculty of mass communication for student affairs at Cairo university and the PR & Adv. Professor .

2  Associate professor and the department director for Adv. & public relations, Faculty of arts, zagazeeg university.

3  Associate professor at faculty of mass communication, 6th October university.

4 Lecturer and working as PR & Adv. Department director, at faculty of mass communication, Nahda university.

5 • Teaching Assistant at faculty of mass communication, 6th October university

6 •• Teaching assistant at faculty of mass communication, MSA university

7 ••• PR & Adv. Masters, and digital marketing specialist at international marketing agencies.

8 ••••• Digital Marketing Specialist (Australia).

9 •••• Digital marketing specialist expert (United states).


The last ten years confirm the clear interest in the marketing results resulting from social responsibility programs in actual reality, and the belief of the state that its sustainable development agenda requires the participation of all stakeholders from development partners to keep pace with the changes that occurred in the local, regional and global context. The great role of all institutions and organizations in society has emerged, which has become an important role in developing and supporting development, through participation in the preparation of development programs and plans and their implementation. Thus, the importance of research stems from the importance of social marketing, which is employed by all sectors and institutions in society, depending on smart marketing methods and strategies to achieve the maximum possible benefit to achieve the goals of sustainable development for society.
The research aims to develop a smart marketing strategy using effective persuasive approaches to social marketing methods that society institutions must adopt to achieve sustainability, by presenting the most important and strongest contributions of profitable companies in the Egyptian, American, and Australian society based on their social responsibilities and achieving environmental sustainability.
The research found a smart marketing strategy for the social responsibility activities of profitable companies that help spread social awareness among the audience of these companies, and contribute to achieving a competitive advantage among other companies; Which ultimately helps to achieve sustainable development. And that is through clear societal activities that are compatible with the dimensions of sustainable development adopted by the countries of the world, relying on strategies that enable them to measure the societal goal and its feasibility to achieve, keeping away from exaggerated goals, and making each set of goals commensurate with the logical period to achieve them, that the activities and initiatives pour into The supreme interest of the state, community service, earning the vision of sustainable development, and finally having a clear period for the goals, as one of the most important reasons for its success.
