The use of digital capital in building social responsibility activities and its relationship to corporate reputation:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor at the Department of Public Relations and Advertising and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Media for Community Service and Environmental Development - Cairo University - Egypt

2 Professor, Department of Public Relations, College of Media and Communication - Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3 Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda, Libya

4 Assistant Professor and Head of Public Relations and Advertising Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - Beni Suef University - Egypt

5 Associate Professor of Public Relations and Advertising and Head of the Media Department at the Faculty of Arts - Zagazig University - Egypt

6 Instructor and Acting Head of Public Relations and Advertising Department, Faculty of Media and Public Relations - Al-Nahda University - Egypt

7 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Sana'a University - Yemen

8 Ph.D. in Mental Health and Curricula for Rehabilitation of People with Special Needs - Faculty of Graduate Studies of Education - Cairo University - Egypt

9 PhD researcher, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Childhood - Ain Shams University - Egypt


Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment by these companies to act ethically; As well as contributing to economic development and improving the lives of workers and their families.
The problem of this research centers on understanding the dimensions of the concept of digital capital for for-profit organizations and the elements of this concept in a comparative application framework in the context of one of the forms of professional practice of public relations for those organizations, which are the social responsibility activities that they undertake, in an attempt to produce a cognitive framework that rooted the concept of social responsibility and ways The digital practice of its activities in our Arab societies.
The study was methodologically based on the use of the survey at its descriptive and analytical levels, applying it to 4 companies in 4 Arab countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Libya. The content of the official platform for each company was analyzed, and a survey was conducted for a sample of followers of this platform. Also, the study method was based on statistical analysis and interpretation of the results.
The results of the field research concluded that more than half of the sample follow the social responsibility activities of the study sample through their digital platforms at a high and medium level, and that less than half follow these activities of telecommunications companies to a weak degree.
As for the results of how to follow up on the materials published on the social responsibility activities of these companies through their digital platform, the largest proportion of the corporate audiences follow these materials by accessing the news or videos published on the platform through the various sites, followed by the way to access what is shared from the platform’s publications Through friends who follow the page, and finally by entering directly to the platform and browsing what is published on it.
This means that the public in the first place does not search directly for the digital platforms of companies in order to browse their publications and activities in the field of social responsibility, but rather the news published on the various sites and the posts of friends lead them to it.
Also, the results of the analytical research came with regard to the nature of the formal characteristics of the social responsibility discourse presented by the sample of companies taken for the study through their digital platforms represented in written texts, followed by realistic photographs, followed by video clips, and there is no media represented by static and animated graphics, links, icons and infographics.
