Features of the Media Discourse of International and Regional Powers on the future of Middle Eastern Issues

Document Type : Original Article


* Instructor, Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Zagazig University


The study aimed to identify the features of the media discourse of international powers (represented in the United States of America and Russia) and regional (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran) through the website of Russia Today and the Valdai Forum on the future of the Middle East, the study adopted Power Analysis as its basic theory and manipulated both Discourse Analysis as its main methodology and the Analysis of Discourse Structure as its central gathering data instrument. Furthermore, the results of the study stressed  ; a) The significance of the Russian role in the Arab region for providing a good chance for  a true reconciliation  between  Riyadh and Tehran ; reflected clearly in the Russian speech to the Middle East region stressing the close relationships among  Arabic and Islamic countries ,b) Russia's , The New Othman, main emphasis upon the historical and Islamic  orientation of its speech to the Middle East region highlighting the historical relationships between Russia , the former Roman Empire, and the countries of the region and finally c) Iran's attempt to propagate its neutral policy towards the issues and affairs of the Middle East region, especially the Arab Gulf states
