The Electronic gates communicator’s vision on intellectual property violations within the theory of third party effect

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts - Minia University.


This study focuses on communicators' perception of online journalistic portals and their culture of intellectual property as it relates to their professional performance in terms of third-person influence.
It also highlights the issue of digital intellectual property in view of the problems of protecting intellectual and artistic works on the Internet, the extent of the revolution in electronic publishing, which has highlighted new problems in our societies, and the need to protect those published on this network from the threat of piracy and plagiarism.
The sample study is composed of 100 subjects of Internet users, distributed as follows (25 subjects of communication in electronic newspapers, 25 subjects of bloggers and those with literature subject to electronic publication, 25 subjects of university professors in various disciplines, especially media and law, 25 subjects of software and technology)
The study found that there was no significant difference between men and women about the nature of journalism work and knowledge of intellectual property rights. This could be due to the presence of women in all fields, in addition to the work of journalism and the media, both traditional and electronic, and their relationship to various issues related to these fields.
