Public attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence applications in marketing banking services in Egyptian banks: public sphere theory

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Higher Institute of Media and Communication Arts


The study has aimed to examine the public's attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence applications in marketing banking services in Egyptian banks, by determing the public’s exposure rates to banking services provided through artificial intelligence applications, the most used applications, the benefits of using these applications, the obstacles facing this use, the extent of the Egyptian public’s satisfaction with banks’ use of artificial intelligence applications in marketing their services, the degree of the public confidence in banking services provided through these applications and the public’s attitudes towards the use of these services.
The study has relied on the quantitative survey method, it has used the online questionnaire applying to an intentional sample of (400) individuals of the Egyptians who were exposed to banking services provided through intelligence applications from various economic, social and education levels. The study has used the Public Sphere Theory.
The results concluded that the majority of respondents were always exposed to banking services provided through artificial intelligence applications by (55%), were exposed to marketing campaigns via e-mail by (52%), and via social media advertisements by (34%). The study added that the majority of respondents saw that Egyptian banks always use artificial intelligence applications to market their banking services by (66.5%), and explained that banks achieve a high degree of advantages as a result of using artificial intelligence applications by (87%).
Also, the results added that the majority of the respondents expected to develop the processes of adopting the use of artificial intelligence applications by banks by (51.5%), had a high degree of satisfaction with the banks’ use of these applications by (90.5%), and trusted to a moderate degree in banking services marketed through these applications by (55.3%). The results assured that there is a statistically significant relationship between the respondents' exposure rates to banking services provided through artificial intelligence applications and their attitudes towards using these applications.
