Use of social media in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic: preliminary findings from an online survey, and its role in promoting public relations campaigns.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, College of Communication and Media, King Abdulaziz University


The study aimed to show the impact of the Corona pandemic on the rates of social media use in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the possibility of using this in promoting public relations campaigns. The questionnaire was adopted as a tool for the study, as 236 valid responses were collected for analysis. The study concluded with a number of results, the most important of which are: The female category represents the most frequent users of social networking sites than males. It appears that most of the sites are used in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat), most Saudis do not want to use social media channels for their own motives. There is social anxiety in dealing with social media may be due to censorship reasons, At the end of the study, the researcher recommended conducting a survey on a (focused) experimental sample focusing on studying the impact of social media on the subject of social intelligence in the event of use and non-use, a study on the possibility of benefiting from social media in self-development, digital marketing, and financial gain. Including, a study focused on the impact of social media in shaping the collective mind.
