“The effect of Media coverage of the declaration of the New Republic and New Administrative Capital on Egyptian public knowledge and attitudes

Document Type : Original Article


Assisstant Professor at Journalism department – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University


Based on Priming Theory, the study aims at identifying and analyzing the effects of Egyptian newspapers coverage of the declartion of the New Republic and New Administrative Capital in three daily printed newspapers, ALAhram, ALwafd and ALshorouk during JULY/AUGUST 2021, on Egyptian public knowledge and attitudes. Using the content analysis methodology relying on the qualitative analysis method, And a survey of 250 subjects aged from 18 to 55 years The results of the study reflected several aspects, including,: The New Republic and New Administrative came in the forefront of concerns for the newspaper, especially ALahram and ALwafd .News & news reports were used more in the newspapers, they focused on rational appeals, political and economical frames were used the most in the three dailies. The participants were interested in news coverage of the new republic and new administrative, T.V.was the main source of information about them more than printed newspapers. Many results were also discussed.
