Fear of Missing out Disorder of Social Networking Sites (FOMO) Towards Blinds and Mechanisms of Combating it in the frame work of Technological Literacy:

Document Type : Original Article


* Assistant Professor of Journalism Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


The qualitative descriptive study aimed to identify the most important perceptions of the blind the study sample of their experiences of ritual and attitudinal practices when using social networking sites and its relevance with fear of missing out of them and most important mechanisms which combating it in the frame work of technological literacy. The researcher relied on an integrative approach that combines between self-determination and the Compensatory Internet Use theories, and the researcher relied on the qualitative ethnographic approach, also the study was applied on purposive sample (snowball method) that consisting of 6 respondents from 14-17 years (high school) at Al Noor School for the Blind, West Mansoura Administration, using a case study. Data were collected through participatory observation and an in-depth ethnographic interview, during the period from 24/10 to 24/11 /2020, the study reached to:
It was found that respondents use Facebook, Whats app, YouTube and Messenger extensively through their smartphones, completely dependent on screen readers Voiceover - Talk back by 5 hours or more per day, and they use it while they are in school as well as at home during the weekends and official holidays, especially in the morning and evening periods, driven by level they understand the expected use and directed by the task, as well as that they have more than one account or profile on these sites, and the number of their friends on these sites ranges from 250 to 800 and there is no specific standard for accepting their friend requests via network sites.
It was found that there is a correlation between all sub-dimensions of FOMO (public, social, safety and security, news, and school) and the respondents' (male and female) excessive use of social network sites, especially among those who fear not going through the experiences of others and the rewarding activities that they do. Finally ,the more these websites are used , the great fear of missing out of them.

