The Effect of Introverted Personality on Political Leadership: Donald Tramp as an Example

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the College of Political Science - University of Baghdad


  Studying personality can be an approach to understanding human behaviour. Human personality is seen as a dynamic structure that is composed of many interactive elements which are not concrete but have some explanations of human behaviour. Psychologists believe that the best way to understand one's personality is by studying one’s traits, styles, and observing his actions during daily life problems and crises. On the other hand, one may find such personality has get a good political position. In the light of this research, personality traits of a political leader may appear in his own political attitudes. An active extroverted   leader may be the centre around whom many psychological, social and political attitudes depend. Thus, this research aims at verifying the hypothesis that the extroverted personality of Donald  Trump  has an overt influence on the political leadership during his presidency from 2016 till 2020. This research has employed some methodologies related to scientific studies on personality which are of great difficulty due to ways of measuring, predicting and controlling human behaviour. Accordingly the descriptive method has been adopted in studying human personality, it’s traits, it’s styles and its nature. In addition, the systematic analytical method has also been employed to examine the influence of Donald Trump’s attitudes on the performance of the political system in the USA.
