Study the motives of adolescent girls' exposure to specialized Arab singing satellite channels and their social implications

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the Department of Broadcast Journalism and Technology, College of Mass Communication - University of Baghdad


Television is one of the most important means of mass communication, and the most influential media device for the recipient. “Despite the multiplicity of media and its technologies, television remains closer to young people and more influential in their minds and minds, especially on their tastes. This means of communication is the most widespread, most charming and attractive through word, image, sound and movement. In addition to being an interesting and presenting way to the recipient of events. In attractive, simplified and direct images when the event occurs in any part of the wide world, in addition to that this means of communication plays an important and prominent role in the lives of individuals and society, this method involves a set of duties within the framework of thought and politics and its influential role in other areas of life such as education, education, culture, arts and services Economic and social.
The problem of this research is to study the motives of adolescent girls' exposure to specialized Arab singing satellite channels and their social implications, and according to the above, the research problem which we are dealing with is to answer the questions, the most important of which are:
1. What is the extent of the study sample watching specialized singing Arab satellite channels?
2. what is more for the specialized Arab singing satellite channels that the study sample prefers to watch?
3. What are the reasons or motives for watching the study sample for specialized singing Arab satellite channels?
4. Do specialized Arab satellite channels have social repercussions on adolescent girls?
This research is based on testing hypotheses, the most important of which are:
The first hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between adolescent girls ’exposure to specialized Arabic satellite channels and the social repercussions of those channels on them.
The second hypothesis: There is a correlation between the intensity of watching specialized singing Arab satellite channels and the youth’s adoption of the negative values ​​contained in the content of these channels.
The third hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the intensity of adolescent girls ’exposure to specialized Arabic satellite channels and their motives for exposure.
The importance of the research is embodied in the fact that it studies the dangerous effects caused by these channels, which have social repercussions that contribute to inculcating customs, traditions, values ​​and beliefs that do not fit with the real reality in society. The research aims to follow the scientific methodology through correct steps and procedures to achieve a set of basic goals they can be summed up (the motives of teenage girls' exposure to specialized singing Arab satellite channels and their social implications). This study is considered one of the descriptive studies and in the media studies descriptive studies are used for the purposes of abstract and comparative description of people, describing the needs, preference, motives, and uses of various means of information. The researcher also used the field flat survey method to survey a sample of adolescent girls and identify their exposure to specialized Arabic singing satellite channels, and represent the research community of adolescent girls In the city of Baghdad, the population of which is estimated according to data, statistics and information (the Central Bureau of Statistics / Ministry of Planning), which amounted to approximately 4,665,300 million people according to the estimates of the year 2020, and a random stratified relative (cluster) survey sample was chosen according to data and statistics taken from the Ministry of Planning (the Agency) The Central Bureau of Statistics) was taken according to the criterion (name of the governorate, district, locality, and alley), and the sample size was 351 individual females. The research reached a set of results, most notably:
1- (48.1%) of his respondents confirmed that they are always exposed to specialized singing Arab satellite channels, and in the second place sometimes at a rate of (26.5%).
2- (28.2%) of the respondents determined, in the first place, that they spend 4 hours or more watching specialized Arab satellite channels, and in the second place less than 3 hours, at a rate of (27.6%).
3- (35.9%) of the respondents determined, in the first place, that they do not have a specific time to follow the specialized singing Arab satellite channels, and in the second place in the evening with (30.2%).
4- (96.9%) of the respondents identified in the first rank the imposition of censorship on song lyrics as a form of censorship on specialized Arab satellite channels for singing, and in the second rank on the short message service by (88.0%), and in the third rank the ideas mentioned in songs by 85.8%).
5 - The great agreement between the respondents about the existence of social repercussions for the specialized singing Arab satellite channels on the respondents, at a rate of (68.7%).
1-      (46.3%)of the respondents indicated, in the first place, that social isolation is the most common type of social repercussions for specialized singing Arab satellite channels, and in the second place the feeling of impotence (42.7%).
