The interactivity of integrated marketing communications via social networks and its relationship to purchasing intent

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of marketing communications, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


 The study sought to monitor the relationship between a numbers of factors related to the interactive quality of the integrated marketing communications for the hotel brand via Facebook on the intent of the potential customer to book inside this hotel. The study proposes a theoretical hypothesis related to achieving the correlation between reactivity and behavioral intent through an initialization situation that includes three determinants: awareness of the need for hotel service, perceived benefit of hotel service, and trust in the brand.
An electronic survey was carried out via a questionnaire in July 2019 on a sample available from regular Facebook users, of both genders, who participate in the official page of the "Four Seasons Sharm El Sheikh" hotel and are at least 18 years old. Active members of the page during the data collection period and who are eligible were invited to participate in an electronic questionnaire via a link sent to the e-mail.
The results of the study hypothesis tests proved the validity of the proposed model with regard to the relationship between the quality of the brand's marketing communications interactivity and the purchasing intent of the business. The elements of the quality of interaction varied to include appropriate content and accessibility, density of posts and happiness to follow them, ease of participation, speed of response of the marketing communication team, clarity and availability of information, and positive spoken word.
