New shifts in political communication mechanisms in the digital environment:

Document Type : Original Article


Public Relations Professor Assistant Faculty of Arts - Media Department - Assiut University


This study aims to  explore the new  new shifts in the political communication mechanisms in the digital media environment, through an analytical methodology focused on monitoring the depth of the shift in the mechanisms of political communication,  and monitoring modern trends in political propaganda practices in the American and European experience  in the digital media environment, in which changes in the political communication environment represented a development in the use of different means of communication, to an integrated way of managing politics.
Study found a number of results, including, modern trends in the field of American political propaganda based  on a new approach to the so-called "Data  Driven Data" (Data Driven),combined with micro-targeting techniques, the  policies and strategies of the media in the political field have developed many tools and approaches by developing   strategies "Micro-Targeting",  as well as Advanced Audience Segmentation or advanced and precise division of the target audience, which played the most prominent role in allowing President Barack Obama to winthe presidential election for a second term in the White House, This approach to political propaganda for American candidates has also been adopted in the field of U.S. political propaganda and its techniques, not only in the areas of the use and employment of social networks, and for those who benefit from them more quickly with the ability to communicate and target the electorate specifically and accurately, but interest is also increasing in the development of software and applications that have the ability to analyze data in both directions,  first-  voter information bases,  and second- data  obtained through mobile  environment, and for the field of advertising and campaigns. In Europe, there is an increase in the use of the same approach to American political propaganda practices, but what hinders political propaganda practices in Europe, the existence of some obstacles, chief among them data protection laws, which prevents the use of voters' data, and considers that the expansion of this use, and exposure to voter data with such accuracy and analysis is contrary to the freedom of voters, and is a intrusion by politicians to the privacy of individuals.
