Digital management of the health sector reputation during the Covid-19 crisis:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts - New Valley University


The communication of health care institutions is of great importance because of their association and impact on the lives of individuals. The importance of the communications of health institutions has increased with the emergence of the Covid-19 virus crisis. The current study aims to examine the digital management of China health care sector reputation during the Covid-19 crisis, monitor the most important health topics on which the Chinese government's website focused, as well as identify the sources and technical templates used by the site during the management of crisis communications. Communication strategies support crisis management officials, promote the discourse of social responsibility, enhance the reputation of the state and its external relationship and the governance of the health system, in contrast there was a lack of role of civil society in the crisis, as well as there was no diversity in the media resources that were relied upon.
