Marketing communication of Egyptian political parties via their official website during the parliamentary elections (2020): a comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Mass Communication - 6th of October University


     The study sought to achieve a major goal, which is "to uncover the marketing communications used by the Egyptian political parties during the 2020 parliamentary elections through their official websites." The delegation) from September 17, 2020 until December 17, 2020, and the number of these topics was (543 topics (
         The study relied on the use of the survey method, in both the descriptive part, which aims to photograph and document current facts and facts, collect data and information about the phenomenon in question, and draw a realistic and analytical picture with the aim of testing simple repetitions between the study variables and extracting their conclusions.
       The researcher relied on the content analysis newspaper as a tool to describe the content of the official websites of the Egyptian political parties "under study"
.     The study reached several conclusions, including: Political topics are prevalent in the contents presented by the Egyptian political parties (under study) on their official websites by (99.1%), and then cultural issues followed by (95.4%). Then the developmental issues came at a rate of (81%). Therefore, the political, moral and developmental values ​​prevailed in the marketing communication topics presented by the Egyptian political parties (subject to study) on their official websites, with their percentage reaching (99.6%, 94.5%). And that urging citizens to participate in the elections is at the forefront of the goals that the Egyptian political parties (the subject of study) seek to achieve by displaying the topics on their official websites at a rate of (84.2%). Each of (strategy to attract voters, strategy of mobilization and mobilization) is at the forefront of the marketing communication strategies used by the Egyptian political parties "under study" on their official websites (study sample) in marketing information by (83.8%, 82.9%). %) Respectively, and that the combination of emotional and logical appeals is at the forefront of the solicitations that the official websites of the Egyptian political parties rely on (the study sample) to attract the public (71.5%), and that the general public was at the forefront of the target audience that the parties seek. The Egyptian political "study site" through its official websites affiliated to it, reaching it by (99.3%), and that the press release took the lead in terms of the marketing communication methods used by the Egyptian political parties "studied" through their official websites with a percentage of (95%). Finally, the interaction, responses and comments were at the forefront of the support mechanisms that the official websites of the Egyptian political parties rely on (the study sample) to market their contents by (100%) for each of them.
