Social Media Credibility as communicator's News Sourcing in Egyptian Newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at mass media department, faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


This study aims to identify Social Media credibility as a news sourcing for the communicator in Egyptian newspapers, to what extend does he depend on these sources, what are methods and criteria he uses to investigate the Credibility and accuracy of news and information from Social Media sources before publishing it in his newspaper, and what are the motives to use them and their advantages or disadvantages for him.
The presented study is considered a descriptive study based on the survey methodology and the comparative approach. It also relies on the tool of questionnaire directed to the communicator in Egyptian newspapers.
This study suggests some recommendations to achieve the maximum benefits of Social media sources which became an important source that cannot be overlooked.
The results showed that the most social media sites communicator uses are Facebook then Tweeter, communicator depends on social media as a source of news in "Medium degree", and that social media also have "Medium degree" of credibility as a news sourcing.
The results also showed that communicator "always" investigate the credibility of the information and news from social media. Finally, this study finds that there is a relationship between the communicator perception of social media credibility as a source of news and (dependency on social media- the rate of using- publishing news from social media)
