The semiotics of the employment of digital technologies in the structure of science fiction films: (Spider-Man: Far from Home) as a model

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Radio and Television Department, and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology for Environmental Service and Community Development Affairs, South Valley University


The study aims to identify the semantic employment of digital technologies used in the structure of science fiction films, to identify the basic functions used in expressing different camera shots, to reveal how the (CGI) program is used to combine real and artificial elements (fantasy / reality), and to monitor the semiological connotations of colors. Used in the movie. The study used the semiological analysis tool.
The study reached several results: Techniques and visual effects within the scene were creatively employed and gave credibility and suspense to the dramatic action, as well as the effects contributed to imparting realism to the dramatic action as well as stimulating and suspense and pushing the conflict towards the climax, and the sound effects gave the picture its realistic connotations and giving the actions, places and events their realism and existence The intensity of the voice in the film played a big role, and the director was successful in employing body language to explain and support many situations, and the film was able to use the distinctive decoration, so it was able to successfully reflect the social, cultural and economic level of the characters, and it also matched the temporal and spatial dimension of the film. The film in the good use of clothes, accessories and make-up to highlight the characters' qualities and characteristics, and to draw them elaborately and in an integrated manner, and the low and high photography angles were used to clarify the status of the characters or to support their position in a specific event, whether from glorifying or belittling.
