Employing the infographic in presenting general issues on Emirati websites for a comparative analytical study in form and content.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, College of Mass Communication - Al Qasimia University


The study examines the level of interest of the UAE websites in infographics by investigating the websites of “Alittihad” newspaper, “Alemaratalyoum” newspaper, “Al Ain News”, and “24 News” by means of using a comprehensive inventory method applied to 357 infographics from November 2020 to January 2021. The study took the media richness theory as its theoretical framework. The study relied on the survey methodology and the content analysis tool to analyze the form and content of the infographics published on the sample websites. The study concluded that “Al Ain News” website greatly outperformed the other websites in terms of the interest in the number of infographics published on it versus the low interest in the other investigated websites. Economic topics were at the top of the list of topics covered by infographics in the UAE websites during the study period, followed by health subjects then political issues.
The study revealed that the UAE websites have focused on the use of the art of constant infographic with a great majority. This reflects the fact that the UAE considered websites do not benefit from the media richness in publishing the motion and interactive infographics.
The study illustrates a significant weakness in the level of interactivity used in the study websites, as none of them used the interactivity in infographics through two categories: "Control of details to be presented" and "existence of cross-linkages" during the study period.
