Factors affecting the adoption of chatbots And Artificial Intelligence systems And its relation to customer relationship management

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Language and Media - Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport


Chatbots are one of the applications of artificial intelligence used in the field of marketing, and these robots can conduct an interactive conversation with users with an intelligence that mimics the intelligence of the human element, and they do not provide answers through pre-programmed answers, but rather depend on processing the users' natural language and understanding it and searching for an answer to their questions in grammar. The data available to the bot, and it also has the ability to interact, and provide accurate answers whenever it interacts with a larger number of users, that is, it simulates humans in learning.
This study seeks to shed light on the factors affecting the adoption of chatbots by some companies and organizations, and their adoption as a marketing tool for communicating with customers. And identifying the critical factors that contribute to the adoption of chatbots and building a basis for integrating this new system with business, and identifying the factors that contribute to the user's adoption of chatbots during the selection process, and through the survey of the scientific heritage, some factors have been identified, which are Interactivity, Design, Technological capabilities. Capabilities, Usability, Ethical Considerations, and Agent Environment. By making use of the Technolgy Acceptance Model of the study, which defines a set of criteria for use adoption, the effects of these factors are studied from the perspectives of organizations and customers
