Newspaper coverage of the issue of Al-Sheikh al-Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Damietta University


Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem lived in the last few days a crisis that affected Palestine and the Arab world and the world, It was a severe intifada against the aggression of the Israeli occupation army. And an attempt to forcibly displace the residents of The Sheikh Haraj neighborhood, which resulted in an uprising in Gaza and Palestine and even stretched outside the Palestinian borders, the study aims to identify the extent to which the newspapers in question are interested in the case of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. And learn how to present the case of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the methods of coverage used.  The extent to which the powerful actors have influenced the resolution of the issue of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem.  The study used the media survey curriculum ; The comparative approach was based on the method of analyzing the content and the most important results of the study: Palestine newspaper received the highest publishing rate, And so she outperformed CNN in Arabic in giving her a lot of space to cover the case of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem , Then al-Ahram came in last place, This is due to many reasons, the most important of which are: : Following neutrality and fear of mobilizing public opinion and an uprising like what happened in Jordan and the movement of the people towards the borders and unrest between the Jordanian people and the Israeli occupation forces resulted in arrests of some Jordanian demonstrators, Egypt was also the leader of the Arab countries in the negotiations that reached an end to the Israeli aggression and a cease-fire This is in response to the Egyptian initiative.
