Journalism frameworks The Renaissance Dam crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University


This study sought to uncover the media frameworks presented by a sample of Egyptian, Sudanese and Ethiopian newspapers in their treatment of the Renaissance Dam crisis, while studying the causes of the crisis and the proposals presented by the newspapers to them, as well as the functions of frameworks and actors, and the evidence and evidence they cited. The researcher chose three newspapers after conducting an exploratory study on the Egyptian, Sudanese and Ethiopian newspapers, and in the end the selection fell on three newspapers: Al-Ahram newspaper as a representative of the Egyptian newspapers, and Sudan Today newspaper as a representative of the Sudanese newspapers,
And the Ethiopian newspaper, The Reporter, and the study ended with several results:
The negotiation framework, the framework for cooperation and understanding, the framework for procrastination and evasion, and the framework for raising concerns dominated Al-Ahram newspaper's handling of the crisis, while the framework of conflict and disagreement, the framework of warning and raising concerns, and the framework for imposing a fait accompli policy dominated Sudan Today's handling of the crisis, while the attack frame dominated, And the framework of monopoly and hegemony, the framework for demonstrating the advantages of the dam, and the framework of the military war on the Ethiopian newspaper's treatment of the Renaissance Dam crisis. Al-Ahram and Sudan newspaper today agreed that the most important causes of the Renaissance Dam crisis were Ethiopia's insistence on unilaterally filling the dam without prior agreement with Egypt and Sudan,
