The impact of transformational leadership on improving the media performance of Egyptian satellite channels from the perspective of the communicator

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the Radio and Television Production Department at the International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences


This study aims to measure the impact of transformational leadership on improving the media performance of Egyptian satellite channels from the point of view of the contact person, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a survey form was designed and distributed to those in contact with several Egyptian satellite channels and the number of responses reached 155 individuals (sample available), and it was fully retrieved suitable for analysis and study , Where the data were analyzed and hypotheses were tested using the SPSS statistical analysis program, The study found a significant impact of transformational leadership on improving media performance on Egyptian satellite channels from the point of view of the contact person, as it was found that there is a positive relationship with statistical significance between transformational leadership and improving media performance in its four dimensions (improving the objectivity of media performance - the time of media performance - accuracy of performance Media - depth of media coverage)
