Electronic communications of corporate social responsibility through social networking sites during the (Corona) pandemic and its impact on corporate clients

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Media and Communication Arts - 6th of October University


This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of electronic communications for corporate social responsibility through social networking sites (Facebook-Twitter) - related to the participation of companies in facing the Corona virus crisis - in (1-Encouraging customers to participate in charitable activities to confront the crisis-2-Engaging in electronic social responsibility communications and supporting customers attitude towards the brand) through an intermediate variable (customers attitude towards corporate social responsibility) by applying to “El-Araby Group”, “Banque Misr”, “Vodafone Egypt” and “Coca-Cola”. During an analytical survey study on a sample of 400 individual customers of the companies under study, the study used an electronic survey form to collect data, and the study reached several results, the most important of which is the effectiveness of electronic communications for social responsibility through social media sites in supporting customer attitudes towards brands and that customers are most exposed to those Communications It is possible that they would participate in the brand's electronic communications, but exposure to these communications had no effect in motivating customers to participate In the initiatives of the companies under study to confront the Coronavirus crisis.
