Arab Technology Journalism Speech Strategies Towards cyber security


*Lecturer in Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


Cybersecurity is one of the most important pillars of the strategy of building a digital state, and one of the basic pillars in an economy based on smart technological knowledge. Therefore, achieving cybersecurity is a shared responsibility among all sectors of the state.
Cyber-attacks are no longer the product of the work of single people or groups of hackers only, but they have become specialists in cybercrime cooperating together and investing huge funds in them, as well as knowledge, experience and perseverance, and the capabilities of these specialists have become equal, if not better, than the capabilities of state actors.
Arab countries seek to improve their capabilities to enhance cyber security, seek to intensify international dialogue and cooperation in this field, and work tirelessly to enhance their capabilities in the face of hacker attacks.
In this context, the research problem is determined in monitoring, analyzing and interpreting the discourse strategies of the Arab technology press in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia towards cyber security, through the analysis of the mechanisms of the discourses of technology doors on the website of the Egyptian newspaper “Youm Al-Sabea” and “Okaz” Saudi Arabia, and the determinants of the formation of these mechanisms. As well as the factors and variables affecting the production of this journalistic discourse, whether societal factors and variables, or factors and variables related to the journalistic and media climate that produces it, through an analytical study of the speeches of the technology pages in the Egyptian newspaper “Youm Al-Sabea” and the Saudi newspaper “Okaz” during the study period (from January 2018 to January 2019).
