The effectiveness of electronic marketing through social networks for Saudi banking services in meeting the needs of Saudi customers

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media at King Khalid Military College


    The study seeks to identify the evaluation of Saudi customers of Saudi banks for the quality of the content published on the banks' pages through social media sites in attracting them and influencing them, as Saudi banks tend to pay attention to social networking sites in electronic marketing by broadcasting various publications that contain content about their services, how they are used and their advertising campaigns, which are considered a mental link Strong between the bank and the customer. A sample of 200 individuals was drawn from the Saudi public for those over 18 years old.
    The study found an increase in the average number of hours of the study sample's use of social media sites per week (54) hours per week at an average rate of 7 hours per day, so the motives for using social media sites to identify banking services were high, and a statistically significant effect of the intensity of sample use was found. The study of social media sites in the high reliance of the study sample on social media sites in monitoring banking services, and the existence of an impact of keenness to obtain banking services electronically on the degree of confidence in advertising offers and information provided by the banking institution on banking services through social networks.
