The role of the new media in increasing the awareness of the Egyptian public to face health crises

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, College of Social Sciences - Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia


The research aims to identify the role of new media in increasing the awareness of the Egyptian public to confront the Coronavirus.The study is considered one of the descriptive studies, as it aims to describe and analyze - the role that the new media play in educating the Egyptian public to face health crises (the Corona virus crisis), and the study uses the sample survey method of the Egyptian public.
Study boundaries: They were divided into time limits: in the period from 8/25/2020 to 9/30/2020, after the end of the first phase of the spread of the Coronavirus.
And human borders: it was limited to a sample of the Egyptian public from 20-60 years old, representative of society as a whole.
Regarding the research sample and community, the random sample consisted of 200 items representing the community (the Egyptian public) of "males and females" and "urban and rural" and with different educational and age qualifications.
The most important results of the research were: -
1-   There is a positive correlational relationship between the degree of reliance of the public (rural - urban) on new media and their role in increasing the spread of health awareness among them.
2-  There are no statistically significant differences between the Egyptian public (males and females) in the degree of their reliance on new media to increase their health awareness of the Coronavirus.
3-  It became clear that there are statistically significant differences between the different age stages and the degree of their dependence on new media to increase their health awareness of the Coronavirus.
4-  It was evident that there were statistically significant differences between the different scientific qualifications in the degree of their dependence on new media to increase their health awareness of the Coronavirus.
