Parents' attitudes towards children's use of Electronic games

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The study was concerned with identifying parents' attitudes towards their children's use of electronic games applications positively or negatively, and monitoring parents' viewpoint on the most important benefits or risks that children are exposed to as a result of using electronic games. The study is based on the TAM technology acceptance model, and the survey method was used by applying a questionnaire to a sample of (205) single parents, and the most important results of the study came as follows: It is proven that children use electronic games applications permanently by a large percentage. It also confirmed the high percentage of parents' knowledge of electronic games that their children use, which focused on combat and adventure games, which negatively affected the high rates of violence among children, and the great impact of electronic games applications on children's academic achievement, and the most important benefits of these applications were: increase Children's interest in technology, in addition to the high rate of communication and participation during play, whether with friends Or, by getting to know others from different cultures according to the nature of the games, while the most important risks for using these games came: physical damage due to the increase in time spent in front of the mobile or computer screen while playing, which leads to problems in the spine, nerves, etc., in addition to the high rate of violence in Children, and wasting time.
