The Effectiveness of the Internationalization Strategies of Brand in Enhancing Its Competitive Advantage

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Mass Communication - Beni Suef University.


This research provides a new framework for studying the brand from a marketing perspective related to analyzing the brand's internationalization speech published through the digital platforms of multinational companies, and monitoring the internationalization strategies on which this speech is based, with the aim of determining the effectiveness of these platforms with the ideas they contain and the strategies they are based on. And reflect him from his persuasive entries; Its effectiveness in building the public's convictions about the excellence of the brands owned by the companies referred to, and the research began in this context to study a qualitative category of audience of Internet users, who are followers of the digital platforms of multinational companies, as well as the study of Amazon and General Motors.
However, ensuring the effectiveness of the brand internationalization speech published through the digital platforms of multinational companies may allow these companies one of the most important ways to enhance the competitive advantages of the brands that own them, in order to ensure their survival and continuity in the global markets; Realizing the enormity of the brand's international reach - albeit influenced by some demographic characteristics - would form self-beliefs in the distinctiveness of this brand compared to others. Even if there are variables: the extent of confidence in the content, the experience resulting from direct dealing, and knowledge of the country of origin; various effects on the strength and severity of this relationship referred to.
