Responsibility of the Media towards Cultural and Social Diversity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Cultural and social diversity is defined as the presence of several different societies in a particular culture, or different cultures in a society, with a recognition of their existence in a balanced way. This paper studies the Saudi media’s responsibility towards cultural and social diversity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, focusing on its role in supporting the development, and applying the strategic planning mechanisms of the country. The paper aims also to define this responsibility within the framework of the social responsibility theory, that is consistent with its goal. The author used the theory of social responsibility. Delphi method was used, for recording the observations to attempt the forecast the responsibilities of national media. Also, he carried out quantitative descriptive research through the application of a survey method for monitoring and analyzing the dimensions of the paper's problem. The sample used was 120 media professionals, including academics from several Saudi universities and media professionals from several Saudi media agencies. A survey sampling suitable for the research population has used. From the As a results, the author has concluded that, approximately all the media elite agreed that certain values ​​of social responsibility must followed by the Saudi media towards the cultural theses and social diversity. These values include honesty, objectivity, balance of ideas, not to mix-up news and opinion, and disciplined freedom. Also, the paper included many other results.
