The effectiveness of e-learning integrated in the development of skills of the production of electronic school newspapers for educational media students in Faculties of specific education

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University


The study aimed to prepare a list of school electronic newspaper production skills for educational media students, and to identify the effectiveness of the e-learning method on both: (achievement of the informational aspect of school electronic newspaper production skills - development of the performance aspect of school electronic newspaper production skills): for educational media students. The study focused on increasing the opportunities for media students to perform the skills of producing electronic school newspapers, and changing the current situation for training educational media students on practical skills to a better position to achieve the goals of the educational process. The problem of study lies in the main question “What is the effectiveness of integrated and e-learning in the development of skills Production of school electronic newspapers for students of educational media in Faculties of specific education? The study used the descriptive method and the experimental approach, and the study used also a tool: an achievement test to measure the skills of producing electronic school newspapers in the research sample, a proposed electronic educational system proposed to develop the skills of producing electronic school newspapers. The sample of the study consisted of (60) male and female students of the third year students at Department of Educational Information, Faculty of Specific Education, Menofiya University, as follows: An experimental group, whose number is (30) male and female students and a control group, whose number is (30) male and female students. The study concluded that the first hypothesis stipulates that there was a statistically significant difference at the level of 0.05 between the average scores of the members of the Experimental groups to research in the achievement related to the cognitive aspect of school electronic journalism skills in favor of post-application. The study recommended the need to work to achieve the largest possible benefit from the Internet in presenting the curricula for media student at all educational levels at the university in order to develop their skills and journalistic knowledge.
