Egyptians' dependency on media in crisis:

Document Type : Original Article


Media teacher, Faculty of Language and Information, Arab Academy of Sciences, Technology, and Maritime Transport.


The study aimed to determine the media outlets that Egyptians depend on to follow the developments of Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt. It also tried to investigate the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects of this dependency. The study used the survey, comparative, and case study methods. It used the questionnaire tool applying to a convenient sample of 400 items.
The results:
There are many sources that respondents depended on to keep updated with Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt; the Egyptian channels ranked the first place by (70%), followed by the pages of friends on social media (67.5%), then family and friends in the third place (56.5%), followed by Arab news channels (43%), and finally the foreign radios (4%).
There is a statistically significant correlation between the attitudes of respondents towards the Egyptian state in managing the crisis, and their dependence on Egyptian media outlets and trust in them.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the dependence on Egyptian media outlets to follow the pandemic, and the trust in them.
There are differences between the respondents in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects caused by their dependency on Egyptian media according to their educational level, while there are no differences between them in these effects according to the crisis threat level.
