Personal branding criteria on social media:

Document Type : Original Article


* Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The study explored how the influencers build their personal brand on Instagram and the main criteria of their brand. Besides, the study analyzed the role of some factors in personal branding including traditional brands promotion, building alliances between influencers, co-creation, and storytelling. The study is based on semiotic analysis and the authentic personal branding model. The study sample was purposive & comprised of 1210 posts for 3 Egyptian influencers on Instagram from 1 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2019.
The results showed that influencers used all the criteria of the authentic personal branding model but to different degrees as micro-influencers used these features in a limited way unlike macro-influencers & mega influencers. Also, traditional brands promotion is one of the dominant criteria in influencers' personal branding. The study results indicated that storytelling created a space of interaction between the influencers and their followers. In addition, Co-creation was one of the main elements in building & enriching the content through follower’s participation which affected positively engagement levels. The results showed the influencers’ alliances limitation comparing to the alliances between the traditional brands & influencers.
