Twitter's effectiveness in awareness-raising media campaigns against violence facing women in Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Public Relations - College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Saudi Arabia.

2 Postgraduate Researcher, Department of Public Relations, College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Saudi Arabia.


Violence against women is a social behaviour that creates research interests to avoid the negative consequences of this phenomenon. There are different approaches and methods of dealing with violence against women grounded on the nature and size of the resources essential in each approach to combat violence against women, which differ from one country to another.  One of the most prominent methods of confronting violence against women is the awareness-raising effort, the development of special legal regulations and legislation، follow-up of their implementation, women's empowerment programs، and specialized research studies. And after the launch of Saudi Vision 2030 in 2016, Saudi Arabia began the effort to start implementing initiatives to empower women in Saudi Arabia, for example out of 60 human rights decisions inside the Kingdom, women issue obtained 22 decisions with a human, social, and economic dimension.
Therefore, this study focused on measuring the effectiveness of the use of Twitter as a technical tool used in the implementation of awareness-raising campaigns on violence against women in Saudi Arabia. This study is an descriptive study, which requires collecting quantitative data to analyse the relationship between the research variables, dictated the study's use of an electronic survey directed to the population of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, which was applied to a sample of two hundred and eleven participants.
The study recommends the importance of aligning Saudi Vision 2030 initiatives with awareness-raising media activities against violence against women. There is a crucial need to use the high rate of interest and follow-up of promotion campaigns to combat violence against women among the sample, which is a positive indication. It is necessary to activate digital technologies in media awareness campaigns and social promotion programs. There is a unique opportunity to develop websites to keep pace with the path of empowering women in Saudi society. The reason is that the Internet is the most important media medium for following health and social issues among the study sample. In conclusion, the study urges the necessity of activating seminars, conferences, and scientific programs to limit the phenomenon of violence against women in Saudi Arabia.
