News photo posted on the accounts of international news agencies on social media (Instagram, for example):

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Faculty of Language and media - The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport


The study used a semiological analytical tool to analyze the semantics of the published image and to reveal the implicit significance of the images related to the Corona virus in the media coverage of the international news agencies (AFP, Reuters, and AP),via their accounts on Instagram  around the world. This study analyzed message intended to be delivered to the viewers of those photos. It extended for three months (from December 1, 2019 to February 2020) : choosing the most liked photos on Instagram, two photos from each agency separately.
The study was also concerned with the differences and similarities between agencies - under study - to uncover the most prominent identifying, iconographic and implicit indications.
The images reflected a tragic global situation, as a result of the outbreak of Covid-19.  Most of the images showed feelings of anxiety that appeared clear on the faces of the characters included in the pictures, despite of the high level of health precautions with the crisis and wearing protective masks to reduce spreading the virus.
