Relation between the News Worthiness Included in France 24 Facebook Page about Egypt and the Users’ Interaction

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the department of science of communication and mass media- Faculty of Arts- Ain Shams University


This study is aiming to recognize the news values that France 24 selected to present about Egypt and the relation of these values with the page users’ interaction. This study applied scanning methodology; the sample was 150 post throughout 2017, 2018, 2019 and tested the hypotheses of The News Worthiness Theory, using Content Analysis. Most News Values that were posted about Egypt was about Recentness Value where the highest interaction was about the attack on Sinai mosque. There was actually a statistically significant relational function between the human interests in the news and the number of comments however the relational function between all the news values used the page and the number of likes and shares was not statistically significant.
