Consumer comments on e-commerce sites and its impact on the purchasing behavior of the Egyptian public

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the International Higher Institute of Media - Al Shorouk Academy


The study aimed to monitor, analyze and interpret consumer comments about goods and services on e-shopping sites and indicate to what extent these comments contributed to influencing the purchasing decision of the Egyptian public, and the study relied on both of social presence theory and uses and gratifications theory. That study uses survey method on an intentional sample of 400 males & females, and also relies on a content analysis tool to obtain quantitative results through analyzes comments content about goods and services from Jumia Egypt and The findings show, the sample confirmed that consumer comments greatly affect the purchase decision%52. And 74% assured that they think again before making a purchase after reading the comments, as indicated by the analysis of consumer comments on both Jumia and Souq that there are no differences between ones. With regard to the type of the producers of the speech, the length of the comments, the characteristics of the structure of the speech and the nature of the trends prevailing in the comments or arguments and persuasive evidence used, in addition to the existence of statistically significant correlation between the extent to which the sample members searched for comments or discussions about the product before purchasing it. 52% in the comments and messages received through the shopping sites Mail.
