The Impact of Advertisers' Use of Online Influencer Marketing Campaigns On Consumer Behavior and Its Relation to Consumer Protection Issues

Document Type : Original Article


The Associate Professor in media department- College of language and communication - Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Smart Village Campus


Social media influencers marketing campaign and blogging became one of the most important modern tools that marketers have resorted to promote their brands, with the diminished effectiveness of traditional tools that have become less likely to attract customers. With the increasing rates of social media use, brands faced difficulty trying to benefit from social media in new ways to reach their target markets, and with the emergence of influencers through digital platforms, brands began to deal in this field and display their products in their publications through social media to achieve brand awareness and consumers drive to try it and use it.
Influencer marketing falls under peer-to-peer services and the sharing economy or "turbulent economy" that has grown significantly in the recent period. Peer-to-peer networks and social media has received great attention from academic circles in all fields of social sciences, social networks, and social media, and this phenomenon has resulted in many ethical and legal issues, this study focuses on studying the effects of using influencers through electronic platforms in promoting products and their relationship to issues of consumer protection, how can the advertising practices of influential individuals be regulated, and should these individuals be treated as professionals or as consumers, how their speech should be organized, and how the platforms spreading across the Internet have affected the purchasing behaviors of consumers, especially as influencer marketing campaigns are gaining increasing importance not only in the field of advertising and consumer law but also in the context of protecting individuals from negative role models found on social media, and assessing the limits of freedom of expression in the digital era.
 The most important results indicate that there are some considerations that brands who want to implement influencer marketing campaigns must be concerned with their marketing strategy, including finding the most suitable influencers and exerting more effort in this direction, and methods of communicating with the influencer. There are many details that must be taken into account when implementing influencer marketing campaigns, including defining, monitoring and measurement methods. These efforts take a lot of time and go better if the relations with the influencers are good and extended, and the success of these efforts depends on the ability to create a mechanism based on achieving a common interest that guarantees the loyalty of the brand agents and their desire to make it successful, thus achieving more material returns for both parties.
